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I found all this MIDI-Files on many servers and I think that these files are the best of the best. I look for really good MIDI-Files and I want more. If you like this page or you have any good MIDI-Files, then you can send me an E-Mail to this address: David@packleds.boerde.de. Thank's for your response !
0-9 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

1_and_1.mid "One And One" by Robert Miles 32.2 KB
1812over.mid "Overture 1812" by Peter Tschaikowsky 13.3 KB
2001.mid Theme from the movie "2001 - Odyssee in Space" 12.6 KB
670-bail.mid untitled, tango-song 71.8 KB
airwolf.mid Theme from the TV-series "Airwolf" 11.8 KB
alatbsol.mid Theme from the movie "Monthy Python's: The life of Brian" 42.2 KB
alf.mid Theme from the TV-series "Alf" 8.67 KB
allnigh2.mid "All Night Long" by Edirol 92.1 KB
apollo.mid Theme from the movie "Apollo 13" 15.9 KB
avemari2.mid Avemaria 32.5 KB
b_fifth.mid Beethoven's Fifth Symphony 22.6 KB
beetljuc.mid Theme from the movie "Beetle Juice" by Wesley Ellinger 26.1 KB
blade.mid Theme from the movie "Blade Runner" by Vangelis 54.7 KB
bosevill.mid Bosevill 14.2 KB
bud1.mid untitled, honkytonk-song 15.1 KB
cantalop.mid untitled, jazz-song 36.9 KB
celebrat.mid "Celebration" by Robert Miles 60.9 KB
chariots.mid "Chariots Of Fire" by Vangelis 45.9 KB
cheers2.mid Theme from the TV-series "Cheers" 12.2 KB
children.mid "Children" by Robert Miles 92.8 KB
classic.mid "Eine kleine Nachtmusik", "Jesu meine Zuversicht" 15.2 KB
crash!.mid "Crash" by Roxette 2.91 KB
crocket.mid Theme from the TV-series "Miami Vice" 23.9 KB
dasboot.mid Theme from the movie "Das Boot" 50.2 KB
demo0012.mid La primavera 29.9 KB
ds9.mid Theme from the TV-series "STAR TREK - Deep Space Nine" 3.33 KB
dunbar.mid "Dances With Wolves" by Peter Modin 47.1 KB
entrtain.mid "The Entertainer" by Scott Joplin 18.5 KB
europe.mid "The Final Countdown" by Europe 37.8 KB
everybm.mid Every wants to rule the World 32.5 KB
exodus.mid atmospheric tune 10.9 KB
falco.mid "Amadeus" by Falco 25.4 KB
forrest.mid Theme from the movie "Forrest Gump" 4.48 KB
gilligan.mid Theme from the TV-series "Gilligan's Island" 16.5 KB
gmamer00.mid "American Frontier" by Tracy Hurst 20.1 KB
gmfigaro.mid untitled, classic-song 46.1 KB
gmhigh00.mid "Highland Strings" by Susan Capestro 12.5 KB
gmjupit.mid untitled, classic-song 25.4 KB
gmstri00.mid unknown 57.7 KB
goldeney.mid Theme from the movie "James Bond - Goldeneye" 31.7 KB
hawai50.mid Theme from the TV-series "Hawaii 50" 21.2 KB
hero.mid "Hero" by Michael Chang 42.1 KB
hlygrail.mid Theme from the movie "Monthy Python's: Holy Grail" by DeWolfe 18.4 KB
indiana.mid Theme from the movie "Indiana Jones" 33.1 KB
inthem~1.mid In The Mood 96.1 KB
james007.mid Theme from the movie "James Bond 007" 47.5 KB
jaws.mid Theme from the movie "Jaws" by John Williams 8.75 KB
jurassic.mid Theme from the movie "Jurassic Park" 28.5 KB
knight.mid Theme from the TV-series "Knight Rider" 13.1 KB
krypton.mid "Krypton" by Wesley Ellinger 12.2 KB
l1002_3.mid Umino Mierumachi 49.7 KB
laststa2.mid "The Last Starfighter" by Steve Mitchell 39.8 KB
macgyver.mid Theme from the TV-series "MacGyver" 10.9 KB
mission1.mid Theme from the movie "Mission Impossible" 51.8 KB
mission2.mid Theme from the TV-series "Mission Impossible" 5.69 KB
money.mid "Money, Money" by ABBA 56.7 KB
mozart.mid "Mozart's Symphony No.25" by Jason M. Stone 74.1 KB
nausicaa.mid "Tori no Hifo" from Nausicaa 35.3 KB
nemonten.mid "Nemonteni (Empty Days)" by Edwin R. van Veldhoven 12.5 KB
november.mid "November Rain" by Guns 'n Roses 43.8 KB
ntbldmtn.mid untitled, classic-song 167 KB
ofortuna.mid "O Fortuna" by Carl Orff 49.6 KB
orchestr.mid untitled, good song with orchestra-instruments 10.7 KB
peergynt.mid untitled, classic-song 9.32 KB
people.mid "People" by Björn Korthof and Neutron 23 70.6 KB
phantom.mid Theme from the musical "Phantom Of The Opera" 57.7 KB
pianogit.mid untitled, good song with piano, guitar and ensembles 40.2 KB
ppanther.mid Theme from the TV-series "The Pink Panther" 13.4 KB
psr510_3.mid untitled, classic-song 64.8 KB
putting.mid Puttin' On The Ritz 31.7 KB
python.mid untitled, a song from a Monthy Python movie 39.7 KB
reatgm.mid "The Real Thing" by Tony di Bart 63.4 KB
rocky.mid Theme from the movie "Rocky" 48.9 KB
saint.mid Theme from the Movie "The Saint" 70.2 KB
shaft.mid Theme from the TV-series "Shaft" 75.9 KB
simpsons.mid Theme from the TV-series "The Simpsons" 42.2 KB
soaring.mid untitled, great piano and ensembles song 66.3 KB
starwars.mid Theme from the movie "Star Wars" 170 KB
stigma.mid untitled, great bass song 65.2 KB
stndchen.mid "Schubert's Ständchen" 74.6 KB
streetof.mid Theme from the movie "Philadelphia" 21.1 KB
strek-nx.mid Theme from the TV-series "STAR TREK - The Next Generation" 13.4 KB
sym40-1.mid "Mozart's Symphony No.40" by Jason M. Stone 87.1 KB
takeawil.mid "Take A Wild Guess" by Andre Krüger 60.6 KB
takelong.mid untitled, very good song 47.9 KB
takemy.mid "Take my breath away" by Berlin 32.2 KB
tmpllove.mid "Temple of love" by Sisters of Mercy 50.9 KB
tocatta2.mid "Tocatta; by J. Goettler 31.7 KB
triumph.mid "Triumph" by Tom Kristofferson 27.3 KB
usa.mid USA national anthem 8.30 KB
vaudevil.mid untitled, short crazy song 8.24 KB
voyager.mid Theme from the TV-series "STAR TREK - Voyager" 8.34 KB
willtell.mid William Tell Overture 28.7 KB
wind.mid "Wind auf der Haut von Lisa" by Udo Jürgens 60.2 KB
window.mid "Come to my window" by Tone-Tunes Productions 72.2 KB
xfiles.mid Theme from the TV-series "The X-Files" 17.3 KB
yanni.mid untitled, and last but not least a very very good song 36.1 KB

Last modified at 04.02.1998